Vaccination and Deworming Schedules
It is important for your pet's overall health and well-being to keep them up to date on their vaccinations and deworming. This will help prevent them from contracting diseases that are often fatal. Pennsylvania state law requires all cats and dogs to have an up to date rabies vaccine.
Puppy/Dog Vaccines and Dewormer
8 weeks: First distemper vaccine; Pyrantel dewormer
12 weeks: Second distemper Rabies vaccine
Lyme vaccine
Pyrantel dewormer
16 weeks: Third distemper
Lyme booster,
Kennel Cough
Drontal Plus dewormer
1 year: Distemper Vaccine, Rabies, Lyme, Kennel Cough
At this point your pet’s Distemper and Rabies vaccines will become 3 year vaccines.
Leptospirosis (part of the combo distemper vaccine), Lyme, and Kennel Cough are given yearly.

Kitten/Cat Vaccines and Dewormer
8 weeks: FVRCP
Pyrantel dewormer
12 weeks: FVRCP booster
Pyrantel dewormer
16 weeks: FeLeuk
Rabies vaccine
Droncit dewormer
1 year: FVRCP, FeLeuk, Rabies
At this point your cats rabies vaccine will become a 3 year vaccine.
FCRCP and FeLeuk are given yearly.