How do I know if my Pet Needs Immediate Medical Attention?
Sometimes it can be difficult to determine if you dog or cat needs urgent medical care. Here are some signs and symptoms to watch for that would indicate it may be time to get your pet to the vet.
Inability to get comfortable/restlessness
Excessive panting or trouble breathing
Yelping, whining, or vocalizing continuously
Hypersalivation/excessive drooling
Abdominal distension
A hard, firm abdomen
Bleeding that cannot be stopped with direct, consistent pressure
Vomiting repeatedly over the course of an hour or blood in vomit
Diarrhea lasting more than 24 hours
Not eating or drinking for more than 48 hours
Inability to use one or more limbs
Retching/gagging and not bringing anything up
Inability to pass urine
Wobbliness, inability to stand, or disorientation
Ingestion of a toxin (if you’re not sure if it is a toxin call pet poison control)
Pale gums
Suspected seizure activity
Open wounds
Accidents such as being hit by or jumping from a car​
Do not give your pet ANY over the counter medications before checking with your veterinarian first. You may see lists of medications you can buy over the counter that are “safe for pets” floating around the internet or social media; however, many of these medications can instead do more harm to your pet than good.
All of the same for dogs
Hiding and unable to be coaxed out